July 1-4, 2024

4:00 - 10:00 PM

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  4 Days

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Multiple Speakers

A Transformational Retreat

Come to the Ilm Retreat and connect with various elements of the deen to get you a headstart on your Islamic growth. In 4 days, learn about different topics that will serve as a springboard for wisdom in adulthood. From learning the wisdoms of Surat Al-Hadid, to emotional and spiritual regulation, and to making key connections with the life of RasulAllah (SAW) and manage your money.

Daily Topic

Marriage & Relationships

How do you navigate searching for a spouse?
How do you approach someone you are interested in marrying?
what do you do when roadblocks arise?

Join us as we navigate marriage and relationships from a Prophetic
lens at Camp Continuum's marriage & relationships session

Investment and stocks

As you enter your new career path, learn how to make the most
of your income and how to strategically start growing it.

In this session, we will guide you through an easy process towards
investing and how to choose the right stocks.

Leadership & Team Building

As responsibilities grow, we step into bigger shoes and
need to expand our skills both as leaders and teammates.

There’s a lot to learn in building a positive mindset, resilience,
and cooperation. When acquiring such skills, the doors to success
open wide open, and we also fulfill a sunnah of intellectual adab.

Al-Aqsa: past,present, and future

Build resilience and rekindle your faith by learning
about Palestine from a spiritual,political, and pragmatic
view on the oppression and conditions of Al-Aqsa.

Quran Circle

Surat Al-Hadid

Embark on a transformative journey as we explore Surat Al-Hadid,
from reflection, to application, to recitation. Foster a
deeper connection with & understanding of the beautiful
words of Allah (SWT).

“He is the One Who
sends down clear
revelations to His
servant to bring you out of darkness and into light.
indeed Allah is Ever Gracious and Most Merciful to you.”

Surat Al-Hadid, Aya 9

Seerah Intensive

1.Prophet Muhammad’s Mission & Ummah
2.His time and our time:  Are they really different?
3.Rasulullah’s wisdom in navigating through trials
4.His character and legacy for us to reciprocate today

Shaykh Albakri will go through the seerah focusing on each
point to help us feel that we can truly be close to the Prophet
(SAW) and fulfill the hadith of :

The Prophet said, “You are my companions, but
my brothers are those who have faith in me yet
they never saw me.”

Musnad Aḥmad 12579

Trauma, Faith, & Self-Growth

Why do bad things happen to me? Why bother living if
the future is filled with pain? Why haven’t I gotten over
my grief? How can I ever trust again?

Join us as we navigate trauma, faith, and the path forward with Ustadha
Sabreen Azhar, and covering the book: “Your Lord Has Not Forsaken You.”
Group reflections, personal application, interactive activities, and more!

1. Understanding Trauma & Defining Emotions
2. The Impact of Trauma on Faith & Relationships
3. Healing & Moving Through Trauma
4.  Resilience: The Way Ahead

Daily Schedule

4:00 - 4:15: Refreshments and networking
4:15 - 5:10: Seerah Intensive
5:10 - 5:30: Asr and break
5:30 - 6:30: Navigating trauma daily
6:30 - 7:00: Break and dinner
7:00 - 8:00: Special Daily topic
8:00-10:00: Quran Circle

Daily Topics

Day 1: Al-Aqsa: past, present,andfuture
Day 2: Investment and Stocks
Day 3: Marriage & Relationships
Day 4: Team-building & Leadership


Shaykh Elbakri
Islamic instructor
Hira Khanzada
Islamic Therapy Instructor
Imam Thabet
Marriage & Relationships Instructor
Azeem Sattar
Investments & Stocks
Ust. Lamia
Quran Instructor
Hafiz Hassan Haq
Quran Instructor
and more to come inshaAllah....